Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin



The purpose of this study is to classify the structure and study of the communication networks of child and adult narrators and their relationship with the structure and process of creating meaning in the Parvin Etesami Court. a contemplation in the court of Parvin Etesami shows that in some of his poems we are faced with the narrator of a poor or orphaned child who expresses a shouting question or a social issue that is an issue He has a protest and a question, or he discusses class differences with an innocent childish look. What is seen in the succession of the child-centered poems of Parvin is the existence of a kind of communication network on two structural-educational axes in such poems. According to the structure, the narrative begins with the narrator of the child, man or bird, and then with the narrative of an adult, usually mother, is done and so on This type of training is done From the narrative lies in the communication networks and the context of the text, which, with the mother's answer to the child's question, with three types of reaction (approval)، Void and use conveys a moral message to the audience. The results of the study show that the process of beginning the narrative with the narrator of the child and entering the adult has two major structural-meaning goals and is concerned with self-error with different motives، Totan completes Parvin.


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