Document Type : Scientific extension


1 Graduate of PhD in Epic Literature, Qom University

2 Graduate of PhD in Persian Language and Literature, University of Mazandaran


In the philosophy of ethics, the criterion of valuing and measuring moral actions is one of the prominent issues. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, believes that only the present has a moral value that is in accordance with the task and that the actor has no other motive than to perform the duty. To understand what an action is in accordance with the duty, one must refer to the Absolute. What is meant by the Absolute, which defines all our moral duties, is: Act according to a rule that you can simultaneously will that rule become universal law. Kant considers the absolute to be the obvious rule of practical reason. Since this is absolute, the rulings derived from it will also be absolute. Rostam, the ideal character of Shahnameh in all spheres of life, always paid attention to doing his duty and justice and did not use immoral tools and methods to achieve sublime goals. According to the Shahnameh, several propositions indicate the Deontologism of morality in the moral school of Rostam. In the present study, which has been done by descriptive-analytical method, the authors has come to the conclusion that Rostam's personality is closely related to some indicators of Kant's moral conscientious school. These indicators are: human duties towards oneself, human duties towards others, duties towards certain classes of people. 


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