Conducting to God (Seir ila Allah) is one of the main characteristics of developed humans who are looking for real perfection and (spiritual) joining, which will not be yielded unless using its own accessories. Searching in Quranic verses, different narratives, and what sages have said about the habitudes of conducting, it can be found that they(main accessories), after much more recitations(zikr), are reticence(Somt), starvation(joua?), vigil(sohr), and isolation(?Ozlat), all which we call quintet accessories of conducting to God, and are going to explain then through holy verses and narratives and mystical poems and sayings. And it’s the consequence of this holy Quranic verse: “And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]” Baqara – 45.