Document Type : Research Paper
Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: In the history of Persian literature, poets and writers used to dedicate part of their works to educate their child which attested to the importance of children’s education by means of literary text. Authors’ book to his child forms the text in literary corpus though embedded in text, yet conveys an independent meaning. Though these books of authors’ to his child find no special mention in texts but are visible in a text at the beginning or the end of the book. Books of authors’ to his child are often found in the lyrical poems of Sabk-i Iraqi. Men of letters have inculcated moral values in their son and help them to overcome human vices. The purpose of the research is to trace the works of authors’ book to his son in the annals of Persian literarture since 4th Century A.H. to the present day. It seeks to have the practical dimension of training and up bringing in the comtemporary period. Methodology:The research method in this article is descriptive and contains analysis. This research is applied with a purpose to generalize and use for education and child-upbringing indicators in the present era. Since the purpose of this study is to identify the components of optimal education embedded in text, the basis of this work is to develop concepts and contents of advising child by using qualitative data. These ideas have been developed from the works of the poets of lyrical poems. They have seen, heard, and experienced what they have imbeded in their writings. The poets of the lyrical poems portray to their children the truths of all classes of society in attractive and pleasing manners and convey it to the audience in the form of maxim and advice. The present study encompasess nine lyrical poems including Leily and Majnun of Nizami, Leily and Majnun, Hasht Behesht (Eighth Heaven) and Duval Rani-Khizr Khan of Amīr Khusrau , Leily and Majnun, Yousef-Zuleikha and Salaman-Absal of Jami, Salman Savoji Divan, and Yousef-Zuleikha of Masoud Ghomi. Indices of individual and social moral development have been selectively extracted and compiled from the core of child-advising poetry of romantic poets. Results and Discussion: Books of authors’ to his child are often found in the form of lyrical poems of Sabk-i Iraqi. Nezami Ganjawi dedicated 36 couplets in Laili wa Majnoon to his son Muhammad, Amir Khusro Dehlvi in Daval Rani and Khezr Khan dedicated 224 couplets to his son Mubarak and in Majnoon wa Laili dedicated 157 couplets to his son Khezr. Salman Savji in Firaq Nama dedicated 93 couplets to his adopted son Sultan Owais and Jami in Yusuf wa Zuleikha dedicated 99 couplets and in Laili wa Majnoon 32 couplets and in Salaman o Absal dedicated 11 couplets to his son Ziyauddin. Khwaja Masood Qummi who was a poet in the second half of the 9th century A.H. in his poem Yusuf and Zuleikha dedicated 143 couplets to his Ghiyasuddin Muhammad in which poets’ children are addressed in poetry. Poets and writers have encouraged their son to imbibe ethical virtues and shun human vices. Only Amir Khusro in his lyrical composition Hasht Behesht has advised his daughter Afeefeh in 76 couplets. Conclusion: In all the nine given romantic poems of this article, the individual moral refinement, as well as the teachings related to science and friendship, secrecy, social relations, etc., have been highlighted and this theme is a knack of the poets of romantic poems for expressing their thoughts.
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