Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Sometimes ordinary words are unable to describe great sorrows, and some people do not find the usual sentences and phrases enough to express their heart-wrenching pain and sorrow…! Perhaps it is for this reason that "Zaydri Nesavi", the secretary of Sultan Jalaluddin Khwarazmshah, also did not find the commonly used expressions in the common language to express his excruciating pains, and the preferred to use this horrible and terrifying prose that trembles the reader’s body and soul sometimes to describe his condition! The resulting prose is a relatively small book called Nafsat al-Masdur, which is very famous and well-known among people of culture and literature, especially professors and students of Persian language and literature, and of course it is equally difficult to read. The author believes that regardless of the verbal complexity and ambiguity in the sentences and combinations of this book, which have made it difficult to learn and read, there are other important reasons that prevent this valuable work from reaching to scientific and literary societies which are non-academic. One of the most important reasons is the author’s ambiguity in introducing the characters of Nafsat al-Masdur. In this article, we intend to help identify the influential personalities in this literary-historical work by using reliable historical sources.


Main Subjects

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