Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Graduate of Persian Language and Literature,Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature of Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



Memoir is one of the literary genres and forms of writing in which the writer recounts the events that have taken place in his lives and has had role in them or has observed them.The author faces incidents with his perspectives, and over time, he accumulates them in mind and recreates them by relying on  his ability and art of writing.These variables can transform memory from the simple narrative of an historical event to a literary, readable and lasting work.With the start of the eight-year Iraq war against Iran, many Iranian warriors began to write memories and daily notes.These memories and notes, while expressing their feelings and thoughts in the history documents of events, used to explain the realities of the war and the creation of the story. The decoding of the transformation process of memory into a story in resistance literature is a matter in which research and development, while formulating and defining the principles and rules of the transformation of memory into a story, will pave the way for writers to create such works.In this research, we have analyzed the metamorphosis of the memory to the novel by relying on Atash be Ekhtiyar novel, written by Mohammad Reza Bayrami.The results of the research show that Atash Be Ekhtiyar has characteristics like dialogue, scenery, movement in time, the fluid flow of the mind, etc…that can transform this work from memory into litrary work and give it a litrary-historical nature.


Main Subjects

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