Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Kurdish Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran



In the Persian language, there is a special syntactic structure in which the proposition of the sentence, which is a complete sentence itself, together with the subject, forms another sentence. Abdul Rasul Khyampoor, the traditional grammarian, has mentioned such structure as a large and small sentence. The linguists also consider such a structure to be the result of the topicalization process, in which the proposition is basically an element within the sentence that then by the process of topicalization has separated from its grammatical position and moved to the beginning of the sentence and in place of that element, a co-referential pronoun has been placed. Of course, topicalization as a process in moving the components of speech to the beginning of the sentence has a wide structural scope and in this paper, only a special type of it is considered which causes doubled clitic in the sentence and produces a distinctive syntactic structure. The grammarian and linguists have studied this structure as a grammatical phenomenon. They have tried to describe and explain the way of this syntactic construction and to determine appropriate names and titles for its components. In this paper we study this structure with approach of rhetoric. We want to show that the main cause of forming this structure has been the rhetorical aims, such as “centeredness of the subject”, “observing the principle of speech” and “emphasis”.


Main Subjects

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