Document Type : Scientific extension


Assistant Professor of English Literature, University of Kashan Kashan, Iran



Due to the dominance of cyber space on the world, it is obvious that people’s daily lives, especially young adults’, have been affected so much by this space. The same is true about art and literature as true mirrors to life. Therefore, this article focuses on the notion of ‘technorealism’ in This Weblog will be Transferred (2012), the acclaimed work of contemporary Iranian writer, Farhad Hasanzade, through a posthumanist perspective. Using ideas of Falnagan and others, the writer tries to elaborate on notions of technorealism which has recently become popular in young adult literature.  To this end, the notions of “physical self” and “digital self” are discussed while it foregrounds the fluidity of identity as a major feature of posthuman literature. It is argued that technorealist literature makes attempt to imitate cyber space and realize its features in printed books. Adopting a polyphonic multi-perspectivism while introducing linguistic innovations, this new genre tries to provide a positive perspective towards the cyber space, despite its all possible threats. It also tries to replace the grand narratives of liberal humanism –such as individualism and essential identity—with ‘collectivism’ and fluid identity which can be deployed as great guards against binary-orient system of liberal humanism.


Main Subjects

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