Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant professor of Persian Language and Literature‚ Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz‚ Ahvaz‚ Iran
One of the most important and challenging stories of Marzbannameh is Div-e Gavpai and the religious sage, which covers the fourth chapter of this book and is viewed from different angles. One of the reasons for various speculations about this story is the association of meanings and its connection with a range of religious, historical, mythological narratives and narrative themes in the Iranian mythology and Saami stories that each one has some thematic similarities with the story of Div-e Gavpai and the religious sage. It is likely that Varavini intended to intentionally include some signs and evidence in the text to guide the wise reader to those narrations. Accordingly, while expanding the intentions and dimensions of the story and connecting the audience's mind with similar narrations, he establishes coherence and coordination between the phrases of the fourth chapter of Marzbannameh. Research on this subject has explored this story more from the perspective of mythological critique and related narrative patterns and religions of ancient Iran while its relationship with Saami stories such as the story of Prophet Moses (pbuh) and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in religious and historical texts has been neglected. In this paper, with a descriptive-analytical method and based on intra- and extra-textual evidences and presenting structural, verbal and content documents, the similarities and relations of this story with the mentioned narrations are explained. It is also shown that how Varavini, with the help of his own art and the use of storytelling techniques, has created a multi-layered narrative discourse from which different voices can be heard.
- Marzbannameh
- Sa’d al-Din Varavini
- Div-e Gavpai and The Religious Sage
- The Story of Prophet Moses (PBUH)
- The Story of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Main Subjects