Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan

2 Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


Adham ‘Uzlati Khalkhali, nicknamed "Wāiz", is one of the mystics of the 11th century AH. He has compiled many treatises on Islamic beliefs, ethics and mysticism, including Şahāif Al-Wadād wa Makātib Al-Ittihād. Since by studying the works of this bright mind mystic, one can understand the nature and place of Sufism, Shiite mysticism and mystical literature in the eleventh century AH, it is important to us to study on this work while it is simple, smooth and able to transmit the ideological, moral, and mystical issues; Therefore, it seems necessary to have a revised version of this treatise without of wrongs. This work has already been published in a collection entitled Adham ‘Uzlati Khalkhali’s Persian treatises, edited by Abdullah Nourani; However, the lack of critical method in this correction, its avoidance of research and annotation and comments, the lack of methodological introduction or  any explanation about  the method which used by editor of the work and lack of introduction on the treatise and also lack of explanation about  the  author's position among his contemporary mystics and thinkers, as well as the editor’s defects and slipping during the procedures of correction of the manuscript, Leads him to incorrect theories, misreading, bad selections, and incorrect reports about the text of the treatise. So the presented article suggests a new correction of the treatise in a critical way according two steps of a standard method of edition of manuscripts: correction of the text and study on the texts.


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