Document Type : Scientific extension


1 , Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Kashan

2 PhD of Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University


This article studies the function of the personal style of Manuchehri Dāmghānī (d. 433 AH) in panegyric poems and boasting poems. Manuchehri has written various eulogies and panegyric poems that have been distinct in their own ways among all his contemporaries due to their poetic features and his mastery of the Arabic language and literature. Deploying a descriptive and analytical method, the writers try to answer the following questions: what is the relationship between boasting poem and panegyric poem in Manuchehri’s poetry? What are Manuchehri’s techniques in his panegyric and boasting poems? What are his differences from his contemporaries in this regard? And which factors have led to his use of this new style? After elaborating on Manuchehri’s personal style in eulogy and boasting, it is argued that Manuchehri’s new method has rooted in his knowledge of Arabic literature as well as his awareness of famous Arab poets and literary charaters. It is concluded that Manuchehri has deployed not only Arabic language -- as a means to express grace and antagonism-- but also known literary characters of Arabic literature along with some quotations, poetic images, themes, and implication. It is understood Manuchehri’s personal style is the result of his delicate mixture of panegyric poems with that of boasting poems, and it has been done consciously since he has eulogized himself for that.


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