Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature group of Bu Ali Sina University of Hamadan

2 Ph.d student of Persian Language and Literature group of Bu Ali Sina University of Hamadan

3 Associate professor of Persian language and literature, literature faculty, Isfahan university


In Islamic mysticism, Ibn Arabi's view on the knowledge of man and his levels of existence has a special place. According to his opinion, the universe as a whole and all its manifestations are the manifestation of the one essence of God; Accordingly, the world and the human soul are the result of the Illumination of the Aghle faal, and the soul has levels that are longitudinally related to each other; That is, each of these levels has a higher position than the lower level. According to this view, the soul includes the following levels: Rohe mojjarad, Nafse nateqa (aghle nazari & aghle amali), Nafse heyvani (rohe bokhari) and the Physical body, and among this, the soul, moves this path every time in order to communicate with the body. By looking  at the fourth story of Amir Khosrow Dehlavi's book Hashtabhesht, its secret and symbolic deep construction is revealed, which in this article, we have studied it with a descriptive-analytical method. According to the obtained results, this story was written under the influence of Ibn Arabi's thoughts and in it, "Shah" is a symbol of the Nafse nateqa which, by illuminating the Rohe mojarrad , reveals the secret of existence and told it to one of his wifes (the secret of Aghle mostafad) and The himself minister (the secret of Ghoveye shahvat). The minister abuses his trust and replaces the king; But finally, the king, with the help of his wife, defeats his.


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