Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor at department of Persian language and literature, Shahrekord Branch, islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, iran


Ethic authors who are known as mystics, according to the conventional traditions in Islamic monastery (Khanghah) and complying with those endowed with Hadis, devoted a particular value for quotation from Imams of religious way. The efforts were made to recount Sheikh’s words in a way that it can present the exact sayings and contents he declared. Fidelity to these bases, ended in writing a wide range of related Sheikhs’ talks and parables along with their wise narrations in ethics. One of these ethic books is Asrar-ol-Tohid. It is quoted in this book, while Abu Saeed was traveling to Kharghan, Sheikh Abul Hasan and Abu Said Abul-khayr had a conversation in which the word were written: “ once Sheikh Abul Hasan asked Abu Said Abul-khayr: was there a wedding in your home village?” Sheikh Abu-Said said: yes, there was, and in that wedding there were visitors who looked more righteous than bride, but among them just one had all beauty, crown, and throne. Sheikh Abul Hasan yielded saying: hey Sovereign you were beholding your own ambience in a chalice. There are a lot of ambiguities in this talk, and these ambiguities bring up questions; the precise meaning conveyed by these words along with the most important factor which is the purpose of writing them are unknown. The answers of these questions can be found neither in texts of Asrar-al-Tohid nor in other related books. The present study investigate the aforementioned questions in finding the conveyed meaning of the talk and the purpose of writing it. The results of the study revealed that the conversation has a direct relationship with his contradiction in meeting or with the Abul Said’s silence in Khanghah-e-Kharghani.


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