Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Semnan University

2 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Semnan University

3 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Semnan University


Majd Hamgar is one of the poets of the seventh century AH who was a contemporary of Saadi. He held a high position in the court of the Salghuri kings. A collection of quatrains of this poet - over 610 quatrains - has been written by his grandson among the manuscripts of the Divan of four other poets in four sections. This exquisite edition, available in the British Library, has unique features; and has been considered by researchers. In order to know the important features of these quatrains in terms of subject matter and verse music, this version has been studied. The result is that Majd Hamgar's quatrains have been written on various subjects such as love themes, advice, herds of the world and destiny, satire and description of the beloved; and the poet has given a lot of importance to inner and side music. About half of his quatrains are in rows and a significant part of these quatrains has rhyme in four shutters, or rows and rhymes and in many cases, the end of the third stanza is related to the rhymes of the other stanzas united, as well as the letters, the allied, or in some way. It is a sign of the poet's attention to side music. Regarding the poet's view of external music, it should be said that the poet paid more attention to the shajar akhrab. The weights used in his quatrains are associated with various zehaf.


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