Document Type : Scientific extension


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran university, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 PhD student in Persian language and literature, , Shahid Chamran university, Ahvaz, Iran.


Shahnameh is the story and history of a nation, a nation with all its great culture and civilization that is dynamic in all ages. This narrative shows the profound and obvious depth of the continuity of Iran's political life, and each of Shahnameh's narratives can be analyzed and reflected in this continuity. One of the stories that has a special place in the Iranianian mythology is Siavash's story. Given the nature of the narrative and the events that take place throughout the story, this story shapes the later narratives and epic/mythical wars of the Shahnameh, and can provide a clearer picture of the concept of "power" in its material and spiritual aspects in mythological culture, the religion of ancient Iran and the boundaries of Khosrovani thought. With this aim in mind, and considering the importance of Siavash's story in the course of Shahnameh stories, in this article we have attempted to investigate the power relations in Siavash's story and its semantic system from Foucault's point of view. Accordingly, this paper first examines the power/truth framework in Siavash's tale based on the Shah/Mobed, and then examines the discourse of power in Siavash's three disciplines in identifying hostile space, semantic conflicts, and defining time and place.


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