Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Hazrat Narjes University, Rafsanjan


Humor causes laughter and comfort and helps adolescents overcome the challenges of coming of age with less pressure. Adolescent humor should be expressed in an adolescent atmosphere and perspective so that the audience relate to it. In adolescent literature, writers and critics are adults so we need a special approach for analysis of children and adolescents' texts. Chambers presents the implied reader approach. According to him, through style, point of view, siding and gaps, the author can communicate with the reader. Sedghi is one of the writers who has written satirical works for teenagers. The aim of this study is to investigate the implied reader in Sedghi’s satirical collection Abnabat, and, using qualitative content analysis, in addition to explaining the characteristics of humor in adolescent works, to evaluate the success of the author in creating the implied reader. According to the results of the study, style is the most prominent element in the creation of the implied reader. Generally, it can be said that Sedghi has been able to invite the reader into the text so that he/she laughs with the characters in the story.


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