Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Persian language and literature. University of Kurdistan

2 PhD student in Persian language and literature,, University of Kurdistan


Mohammad Reza Kateb’s writing style is different from other contemporary Iranian novelists. He writes in an ambiguous and complex atmosphere. This seems to be more evident in the novel Hiss than in any of his other works. This characteristic is one of the prominent features of postmodernism. In this article, based on postmodern theories, we critique and analyze the aspects of Kateb’s writing which highlight the ontological content and the metanarrative technique in that novel. The author’s use of postmodern storytelling possibilities is based on the reader’s contribution to the comprehension and rebuilding of the story, revising the police’s inferences and judgments of crimes, violating accepted narratives for reader contemplation, discrediting the narrator, and the author’s death. Instead, the reader is important; that is, the reader interprets and analyzes the text through his or her reading; the importance of the reader precedes the importance of the text. The novel Hiss is based on dialogue, either in the form of expressions of actions or displacements of actions expressed as the death of one and the narration of another, or in the form of coding contradictory actions, thoughts, and quotations. The narrator’s emphasis on the violation of the narrative and the narrator is to say what the original is; but this is also a permanent violation. If he multiplies the narrator and promotes distrust of the narrative or uses the method of narrating ancient inner stories, it is in order to be able to draw the narrative method and the interaction of different levels of narration.


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