Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduated PhD in Persian Language and Literature. Razi University

2 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Razi University


Romanticism is one of the philosophical literary schools. It is the mother of many European schools and brought about some intellectual changes in Europe. Although Romanticism was introduced in Germany in the nineteenth century as a distinct school, some of its roots had long existed in Iranian culture and thought and had influenced the intellectual and cultural life of Iranian people. This is reflected in most of the Iranian literary and artistic works from the past to the present which shows that romanticism is part of the cultural and literary history of this land. Shahram Rahimian is a third-generation Iranian writer whose novel Dr. Noon Loves His Wife More than Mosaddegh incorporates the components romanticism in its intellectual and structural foundations. Therefore, in this research, we try to study the principles of the school of romanticism as reflected in this novel through a descriptive-analytical methodology. The research findings show that the aforementioned novel has the parts of its narration formed based on the difference between imagination and fantasy. It also displays the features of romantic literature such as feminine defamiliarization, mythical thinking, tendency towards music, smoking opium, return to the nature and childish innocence, and the contradiction between personal life and social responsibility.


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