Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor in Private and Islamic Law, University of Tehran


Serenade is a common motif and archetype in literature. It is a kind of dialogue between the lover and the beloved while the beloved is by the window of her house and the lover is below the window. In this essay, serenade is not limited to the door and the window of the beloved; all the top positions like the roof, horse, sky and the sun could be included into the meaning of the upper place of the beloved. We can see this motif in the traditional literature more often than in contemporary one, because serenade belongs to the paradigmatic axis of love in the classical poems where the lover is always away from the beloved. But in contemporary love literature, the lover is often in the presence of his beloved; so love nowadays acts more often on the syntagmatic axis. In this essay, serenade is also considered as a political concept when all the powerful men like to be in a position superior to the others. So in the power-centered literature of Nietzsche, Zoroaster descends the mountain to save the others, and in the disciplinary power of Foucault, the self-discipline on the citizens is materialized through the high towers which replaced the dungeons.


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