Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 Associate Professor in Psychology, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


What is poetry? It is the main question that has been raised in philosophy, literature, and linguistics, and a group of experts have answered it. The present article seeks to answer this question through Heidegger’s phenomenology, and thus, identify the field and subject of literary science. Studies have shown that what Heidegger called as the “house of existence” is the language that reaches the human ear from existence, and this is the consciousness and cognition of man. What human beings express from the understandings and openness of existence creates “speech” and human language. Poetry is the impression and expression of new understandings that have not been expressed in a human speech before; it is the words that reveal the universe differently and bring a new comprehension to human beings. If poetry is repeated and used in everyday speech, personal understanding becomes public. Human speech always oscillates in a range of historicity and newness, creativity and banality, poetry and everyday speech. Comprehensions are shared in human speech, and poetry is an opportunity to share new insights. Poetry makes the language comprehensible, and expands understanding and general language. It is essential for the literature to pay more attention to the creative and linguistic aspect of poetry and value creative speeches and new discourses that leave the literary traditions to develop and expand the language.


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