Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University

2 PhD student in Persian language and literature Kharazmi University


Aadab al-Harb wal-Shaja’a written by Fakhr-e-Modabber is one of the most well-known texts of the first half of the seventh century. This book is an excellent text among Persian texts in several respects. Among pre-Mongol scripts, it is a rare text regarding its subject matter (militarism and the definition and description of the means of warfare). Many names for the weapons of war, the methods of deployment and formation of the army, and the methods of confronting the enemy are given in this book. The variety of lingual and literary advantages of the book, especially its military terms and specific words, made it spectacular in terms of its subject matter. Thus, today, Aadab al-Harb wal-Shaja’a is a useful and unique reference book for researchers for writing encyclopedias and studying rituals and etiquettes of war. Aadab al-Harb wal-Shaja’a was published in 1967 by Ahmad Soheili Khansari, and since then, there has been no mention of it in research works. Many shortcomings in the text caused by major problems such as inappropriate selection of the correction method, errors and omissions, and defects in the copies, and the unacknowledged values ​​of the text due to the brevity of the introduction, the commentary, and the index necessitates a new correction. In the present article, using accessible manuscripts, the printed text is investigated, and with examples of various errors in the book, the necessity of a correction is demonstrated.


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