Document Type : Research Paper


PhD Graduate of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran


Since old times, many books have been written about Persian poets, providing biographical information about them. At first glance, most of the materials seem to be completely valid, but when examined precisely and critically, plenty of contradictions and differences arise. Thus, it is a better idea for researchers to refer directly to the poems to extract correct information. One of the greatest Persian-speaking poets is Suzani Samarqandi. Academicians know him mostly for his obscene literature. Therefore, they have not paid enough attention to him. This essay is an effort to evaluate some biographical materials about Suzani based on his own words. It also tries to dispel some doubts and uncertainties of contemporary researchers about his life — regarding his date of birth and death, his repentance in old age, and his religion. It demonstrates that Suzani was born between the years 476-486 AH and died in 569 AH. He most probably followed the Hanafi School. Moreover, he most probably did not stop writing obscene literature and panegyrics until the end of his life. From his mid-life on, however, he expressed regrets about his obscene literature and the eulogies he had written for the people in power.


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