Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. Graduate Ancient culture and languages, University of Tehran


“Seclusion of warrior” means his compulsory, temporary retirement in some special circumstances to which he reluctantly submits and is released from it after certain events which, in the cases examined in this article, are the outbreak of (or preparation for) a great war. In Greek and Indian epics, one can find at least two examples of this motif: Achilles, the hero of Iliad, whom his mother’s prudence forces to seclude himself in the disguise of a girl in a local king’s harem, and Arjuna, the hero of Mahabharata, who, because of a fairy’s curse and his family’s exile, is made to reside like a eunuch in a harem for a year. Both of these stories are in connection with harem and with warrior’s some kind of temporary retirement. It might seem that Iranian epic has no trace of “warrior’s seclusion,” but considering the various versions of the story of Esfandiar’s imprisonment by his father, King Goshtasb, one can find important points that bear resemblance to the details of these two Greek and Indian stories. It seems that this motif has an original Indo-European version, whose mythical aspect is reflected in Greek and Indian epics and its mundane aspect in Iranian epic. A comparative study of these three stories leads us to the recognition of “warrior’s seclusion” and its probable mythical origin (the warrior’s hesitation and the world’s need).


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