Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department of Kurdistan University

2 Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature of Tehran University


In order to express and convey their concerns and ideas and based on their own style and special taste, authors choose different techniques, in addition to subject selection which should be consistent with the theme. We have explained, in present study, the extent and the quality of the link between the theme and the multiple semantic layers of the text with the features of narrative technique of the first four stories of the collection "Tamam e Zemestan e Mara Garm Kon" (Heat my whole winter) by Ali Khodaei. In addition to explaining the positive aspects of writing, we are to criticize and analyze the issues that the author should pay more attention to promote his storytelling. The results show that the way of expressing and usage of space, place, time, narration method and characters are accurate and successful in all stories. The narrator is carefully selected to explain and present the theme in the stories of "Tamam e Zemestan e Mara Garm Kon" (Heat my whole winter), "Asrhaye Yekshanbeh" (Sunday Evenings) and "Mokalemeh" (Conversation), but the lyrical plot of the story is not suited to the external third person narrator in his "Fanfar" (Ferris wheel).  In creating this story, the author has not been able to use appropriate language and expression to his lyrical theme. In "Mokalemeh", he has shown the consequences of not speaking; it means that conversation is a reciprocal communication; it is not just saying, and "hearing" should also be considered important as "saying". The sub-story paralleled with the main story in "Tamam e Zemestan e Mara Garm Kon" is consistent with the title and the theme of the story. The atmosphere and location of the story, the confusion of sleeping and awakening times and overlapping of hours are also relevant to the theme.


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