Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature University of Salman, Persian Kazeroun

2 Assistant Professor of Language and Literature at Salman University of Fars Kazeroon


It is not possible to receive the exact message of the poet and his detailed understanding of his experience unless his poetry is carefully examined, especially in lyrical poetry in which the poet speaks of his innermost self. What happens in the language, is a reflection of what has already happened in the poet's mind; because affection and excitement affect the language as well as the body. The way words are selected and combined with each other, and the type of sentences that speaker/writer uses provides a significant amount of information to the audience that affection and excitement are only part of it. A considerable part of our information about ontology, culture, manners, ethics, and social behavior of speakers/writers is based on the language they have used in their works. Linguistics, grammar, rhetoric and semantics are all effective tools for better understanding of the message lies in the language. The reflection quality of Mowlavi's affection and excitements on the language in his Divan-e Shamshas been analyzed, in present study, through three approaches of linguistics, grammar and semantics, and the emotional role of the message in pseudo-statements and interjection, the literary role of the message, the utilization of pronouns, and the type of sentences that manifest the poet's inner voice in secondary meanings are also studied.


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