Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran


As one of the greatest Persian literates of the 12th century and one of the most prominent characters of his time, Khāghāni spoke both languages of Persian and Arabic fluently and many of his literary works have survived in both languages. However, none of his Arabic works are available, except for a few verses and some short prose pieces which has come down in his divan and perhaps his Persian Monsha'āt. For the first time in this study, two Arabic letters of Khāghāni have been introduced, copies of which are kept in Chester Beatty library of Dublin and Ibrahimpasha's groom section of Suleimaniyah library of Istanbul. The mentioned treatises are of the best examples of Iranians Arabic writings and hold many literary and historical advantages, such as making the recognition of events happened during Khāghāni's life easier to the scholars and solving the ambiguities this Persian poet used in the words of his complex poems. As a result, some first-hand and valuable information would be obtained about the recipients of these two letters, Qutb al-Din Abhari and Awhad al-Din Ghaznawi, besides some unsaid matters about the history and Sufism of Azerbaijan in the 12th century. The author of present study has corrected the above-mentioned treatises and is going to publish it under the title of "Qāyat-e Ibda'e" (the Utmost Innovation) with an introduction and analysis.  


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