Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature at Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran

2 Student of PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Linguistic deconstruction is less widely considered in Persian language grammar, both in terms of structure and in terms of application. Construction patterns and grammatical rules of language are commonly repetitive and static in grammar books, while language is always in a state of transformation and experiences more and less changes in this state. It has been shown (in thirteen cases), in present study, that some of the deconstructions suggest the reader that such a consequence is inevitable in all spoken languages of the world. The definitions and the aforementioned analysis have been proposed referring to some of the most prominent Persian grammars to demonstrate more clearly that Persian adjectives have been undergone different transformations and deconstructions. However, this research has new words about adjectives-genitives or adjectives-adjectives relations, adjectives after genitives, adjectives with verifier, indicator transformation associated with adjectives, being optional or compulsory of dependent adjectives, priority of conjugative to divisional affixes, being noun or adjective of "each, each one, anyone , none of them ..." and it  proposes new findings about  the adjectives inside the verbs, transforming noun into expressive adjective, being optional or compulsory of  adjective additions, expressive adjective with or without "-er"  and the lack of some of the most popular patterns of adjective construction in Persian grammars.


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