Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural studies

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


Persian language learners can be classified by several aspects such as their nationalities, their mother-tongue, being mono or multilingual, and their age that is itself divided to three groups of children, adolescents and adults. There are similarities, and also differences in language learning program of each of above mentioned groups. Non-native Persian language learners are divided, in present study, into two groups: 1. Adults, and 2. kids and adolescents. The kids and adolescents literature is originally produced for the audiences in the same age category, but the first part of the study is to answer whether the kids and adolescents literature is an approprate program for teaching non-native Persian language adult learners or Not? And after finding the answer, is to explain what types of Persian kids and adolescents literature seem being suitable as a program. Since the authors found no theory or hypothesis to benefit as a theoretical framework, this study has been accomplished through an inductive reasoning method to answer the research questions, because according to the research background, answering the research questions has also an innovative aspect. The results show that, based on educational and literary principles, a for-kids story is an appropriate base upon which one can teach Persian Language to non-native adult learners.


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