Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Isfahan


The vocabulary selection and how to arrange them in the sentence based on syntactic conditions, or escaping from these conditions and forms of imagination can be considered as the most important features of any language. Analyzing the language of each work according to its intrinsic features and reviewing the deviations occur in the range of text can indicate its type. Different types of simile, as one of the most important foundations of eloquence, are effective in the rise of language identity in accordance with its lyrical contents and serves the emotional, literary, and inductive approaches of the language. Also, the vocabulary used in form of tenor, vehicle and simile attribute helps the language of these works being explained. On the other hand, the simile intents and the roles they play to transfer the content are proportional to the type of lyrical themes and are among the factors influence the audience alongside the other coordinates of lyrical language. It has been tried in this study to explain the role of this element of eloquence in five lyric poems with the same subject and to describe one of the characteristics of lyrical language based on achieved common aspects.                                                              


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