Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Kashan

2 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Institute of Humanities and Cultural

3 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Kashan


ʿAbhar al-ʿĀšeqīn by Rūzbehān Baqlī Šīrāzī, the great mystic of the 12th century, is one of the most important Persian mystical works which has a special place in terms of mystical teachings and Persian prose. This book was corrected and published by Henry Corbin and Mohammad Moein in 1958, based on two incomplete and full of mistakes versions. Due to the high position it has gained and despite another correction which has been accomplished by Javad Nourbakhsh, this correction is of interest to researchers until today and most of the works in this field have been conducted on the basis of this correction. The present research is to modify the real position and validity of this correction. So, it has been carefully examined in comparison with some new versions, not available to correctors, through a descriptive-analytic method, considering the requirements of a good correction. The results show that due to the lack of correct copies and misreading, many improper omissions and add-ons etc. happened in spite of all the efforts of the correctors. Lack of extensions and explanations to solve difficulties, not mentioning the sources of words and the lyrics in the text and lack of problem-solving lists are among disadvantages and deficits make a new scientific correction of this important text necessary.


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