Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University


The practical part of mysticism is the mystical realm of the behavioral and experimental findings which, based on the courageous conduct of the path of excellence, the refinement of the soul and the purification of the conscience and getting to the essence of being, leads to a kind of monotheistic worldview called "pantheism" that has been constructed on intuitional experiences; hence the intuitive mystics have called it the "Unity of Intuition". In other words, the intuitional pantheism is experienced and proven in this type of monotheistic mysticism. This type of intuitional and practical mysticism is clearly manifested in the sonnets of Attar of Nishapur's divan. It will be possible to achieve a clear vision of Attar's attitude toward monotheism through analysis those parts of his verses portray this type of worldview. Attar suggests his own special "pantheism" as a combined intuitional insight in the mirror of his sonnets which are all based on his spiritual experiences and are results of higher mystical positions achievement. Analyzing the sonnets of Attar of Nishapur's divan through an inductive-analytic method, it has been tried in present study to explore his viewpoints and to prove the attitudes of this monotheist mystic about intuitive pantheism.


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