Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian language and literature, University of Kurdistan

2 Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, University of Kurdistan


Have discrete structures is the prevailing concept on Hafiz's sonnets, but narratology shows that such a structure is proportional to the type of speech and condition of the poet's age; this apparent disconnection results in coherence through the audience's reading. The field of speech and the meaning exist in Hafiz's sonnets need “reading” of his audiences. In order to make this narrative system being understood by the audience, the poet has come up with various techniques such as combination of description, incident and dialogue to start the sonnets, bringing propositions with time and place, dialogue and dialogue-ending, and the hadith of the soul, in harmony with the synthesis of the whole sonnet. The narrative system of his sonnets has been, in present research, explained according to the theme, situation, audience and poet’s objectives. His narrative sonnets have been divided into two groups: sonnets with complex and obscure narrative designs and sonnets with obvious narrative designs. The narrative structure of the second group including 23 sonnets has been studied in terms of type, quantity, composition of sequences, statements and codes to show the solidarity of narrative sonnets of Hafiz. The most usage of codes relates to conversation codes (94 cases/such as debate, dialogue, and Hadith of self) that include verisimilitude, advice, and psychological codes, and it shows that narration is among the goals of Hafiz's lyricism. Active, informational and psychological codes were reported 37, 29 and 7, respectively.


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