Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor in persian language and literature, Shiraz University

2 professor in persian language and literature, shiraz university


Founded by Shaykh Bahā’uddīn Naqshband, the "Naqshbandī" Sufi doctrine, came on the scene through the trend of the Sufism of Khājagān in the Transoxiana, became one of the most sustainable and influential Sufi doctrines in Central Asia throughout its course of evolution that transcended the geographic boundaries from which it came about. Although it is regarded as a Persian Sufi doctrine, few academic studies have been conducted on Naqshbandiyya in Iran, so the necessity and importance of paying attention to the cultural background of Transoxiana, as a part of ancient Iran, and the rooting of the course of mysticism and Sufism in the region, and the study of the evolution and development of the Naqshbandiyya have led to inquiring the small and missing branches of Sufism in Transoxiana through using documentary sources in a historiographical and investigative manner and utilizing the unique manuscript of Tuhfa al-Rasūl and Farīd al-Maktūbāt, written by Mir Ahmad Kashi, one of the Sufis of Naqshbandi in Transoxiana. Based on the main hypothesis of the paper, it is possible to draw a sub-branch of the genealogy of the highly popular Naqshbandī doctrine through recognition of some key figures, works, and less known treatise of the doctrine.


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