Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, university of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of Cultural Writing at Fars Foundation for Persian Language

3 Ph.D. Graduate in Persian Language and Literature, university of Semnan


Nushdāru (antidote), a novel by Ali Mơazzeni, is one of the contemporary literary fictional texts has extensively communicated whit mythical and epic stories of Shāhnāmeh such as Rostam and Sohrāb, Siyāvash, Fereydun and Zahhāk. Exploring these relationships not only leads to a better understanding of the novel, but also is beneficial to identify the components of contemporary fictions have been influenced by epic works specially Shāhnāmeh. To achieve this, in present essay, the transtextual relations between Nushdāru and Shāhnāmeh have been reviewed and analyzed bases on Gerard Genette`s theory. He divides these types of relations into five categories: Intertextuality, Paratextuality, Metatextuality, Architextuality, and Hypertextuality. Some introductory discussions have been proposed, first about intertextuality and transtextuality, and then different types of transtextual relations have separately discussed in each part of the essay through a brief review of the novel’s content. Finally, their features and instances in Nushdāru have been analyzed in comparison to Shāhnāmeh.


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