Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, university of Isfahan

2 Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, university of Isfahan


Living in a period between Sanāie and Mowlavi, Attar of Nishapur is a poet and writer who becomes the connection loop of the beginning and the peak of mystical path of Persian poetry. With regard to his acquaintance with storytelling and the use of various narratives, there are thematic similarities in his works. The intertextuality discussions, especially what has been posed in the theory of Gérard Genette, have been used in present research to analyze the common narrations of Tazkirat al-awlia and Mantiq al-Tayr and o find their relations in a way that their relation can be analyzed according to the categories of this theory. The important point is that, due to the unique features of Persian literary texts, it is possible to go beyond the classifications and to expand them. Such studies make the relationship between the works of Attar and the method he uses to narrate in these two books clear.


احمدی، بابک (۱۳٧۰)، ساختار و تأویل متن، تهران، مرکز.            
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