Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch Islamic Azad


Because the soul of Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Mowlavi was mixed with music and the music had penetrated in all aspects of his existence, his poetic works are full of phones, intonations and musical elements. According to his poems, especially his sonnets, it can be concluded that he was scientifically and even practically expert in music of his time. When his speech becomes full of rhythm and music, one can understand the meaning of his words, and that the music of the poem is rooted in the cosmos and "sounds" of any kind are the best tools for creating music in his opinion. These sounds and intonations represent Mowlavi's enthusiastic and roaring soul that always moves and struggles restlessly. Music helps him significantly to get "meaning" from the "word". Among the various kinds of music, in Mowlavi's verses, one can find a type of music that sounds and their repetitions play an important role to create it. In this music of sounds, which is created through a harmony between consonants and vowels and relates to the internal music of the poetry, Mowlavi has abundantly used sound (quasi-sentence), onomatopoeia, subsidiaries (apparently obscure but music producer words), and prosodic elements.


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