Document Type : Research Paper



Semantics and explaining the relation between "form" and "meaning" are subjects have been always proposed in mystical thoughts, although interpreters and rhetoricians have also accepted them with their own special manners and have had very important discussions on it from the points of their own views. But, in the realm of mysticism, semantics is highly consistent with the main ‎doctrines of mysticism, and has its own particular theoretical basis. Meanwhile, the mystical ‎works of 'Ayn al-Quzat and his approach to the semantics issues are very important. Therefore, 'Ayn al-Quzat's mystical contemplations have been studied, in present essay, under seven topics including: 1) the word and the principles of its codification, 2) the form and the substance of expression, 3) the idiomatic meaning and the true meaning, 4) a plurality of the word and meaning, 5) the factual and the virtual utilization, 6) lexical and semantic distinction, and 7) the signified in the absence of the signifier. It will be made clear, in conclusion, that 'Ayn al-Quzat was influenced by existential and mystical cognitive theories in his semantic contemplations, and his understanding of the truth and its hierarchical structure led him to prefer meaning to form.       


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