Document Type : Research Paper




Many experts believe in Anvari as a leading innovator in Sonnet, a pioneer and the initiator of a style that culminated with Sa'adi's romances. But language scholars have not paid so much to Anvari's syntactic issues discussing his innovations.  The present paper is to get a stylistic understanding out of Anvari's syntax in his sonnets and quatrains, because explaining the reasons why he is considered a stylist, a poet who is genius in language and completely aware of his behavior to it, would basically possible through exploring the syntactic features of his language. It can be seen, in this review that the high frequency of verbal mode (to say) and metonymy compounds, using more than two verbs in a verse, semantic integration of two hemistiches, hiding the element of repetition with syntax games and taking advantage of the syntax diversity in language are the dominant elements of Anvari's style in his sonnets and quatrains. And it will also be seen how the poet uses prepositions to establish an independent personal style and this step was the first stark ignited the fire of this surprising usage, for the first time, in the poetry of Sa'adi, the genius poet.


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