Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan


Attar is one of the first poets who had seriously narrated a story in their lyric poems. Bringing up a narrative in such kind of lyrics is merely a means of a literary form, but can be considered as an epistemological structure. In these narratives and in the progress of their meaning making, Attar has effectively used the ruling broking atmosphere of his poems. In these narratives, the atmosphere is not considered as a simple background element, but it pervades the narrative entirely.  Attar's narrative-lyrics' checking out indicates that their ruling atmosphere has a direct relation to the characters exist in them, therefore atmosphere forms in different stages.  Focusing on transformation is the most striking feature of this type of lyric atmosphere which leads to its expansion. In addition, atmosphere has different dimensions in such lyrics that have classified, in present research, into three categories providing a plan: 1) Social, 2) Individual, an 3) Symbolic. Each of these atmospheres interacts with the others and thus they unify in a single and coherent atmosphere. Regarding the diversity of atmosphere in Attar’s lyrical poems and due to the lack of an efficient pattern to review the similar narratives, this paper is to explore, through the analysis of poems atmosphere, their epistemological basis and tries to provide a significant pattern to analyze the atmosphere in such lyrics.


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