Document Type : Research Paper


kh.n. university


The myth of the descent of Adam, with all its complexities, has being preoccupied the mind of human kind from the very beginning stages of creation. The Holy Books of Torah, Bible and Quran have each paid to different angles of this legend. Studying the modern poetry, it can be found that the contemporary poets have been under the influence of Quran and have used the teachings of Old and New Testaments to express their opinions. The story of Adam's Descent has emerged in detail in Persian modern poetry and have attracted careful and subtlety attentions: creation, original sin, the forbidden fruit, seducing, the nudity of Adam and Eve after their violation in eating the forbidden fruit, repentance, and finally, the story of their sons Cain and Abel to express the special social issues. The main question of the present research that has been accomplished through a descriptive – analytic method is how the contemporary poets have used this myth. The results show that the modern Persian poets have almost accepted the details of the descent story that are the place of disputes by different religions and religious interpreters and have pointed them severally.


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