Document Type : Research Paper



Language is a system of overlapping relations, in a way that the concept of a component would not be transferred except in relation with other components and elements. There are two types of relationship between the linguistic structures: verbal and semantic relationships which are intimately linked to each other, because the word holds the meaning and is a means to express it.  Considering the importance of semantic relations in compound sentences and conditional sentences in special, it has been tried in present essay through a descriptive – analytic method, to study the semantic  structure of these sentences, the factors affect the meaning expression, and the relation between the main and the consequence clauses(protasis and apodosis clauses) of conditional sentences - as a matter has been neglected by Persian grammarians, scrutinizing the linguistic structures of the Persian conditional sentences have been selected from Persian literary works. The main achievements of this paper indicate that there is a semantic correlation between the main and the consequence clauses in conditional sentences, and this semantic relation divides in to two types of causative and non-causative correlation. 


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