Document Type : Research Paper



Abhar-Al Asheghin is full of imageries. The active mind of Roozbahan has rendered the work with a chain of connected similes .
In this paper, inspired by the conceptual metaphor theory and in a framework called as “ Domain Simile” these similes were studied. In “ domain Simile” , the elements of one domain or category are in concordance with elements of another domain;a simile is considered as the main one on the top and other similes which are in fact the very parts, means or features of the two domains would undergo contrastive analysis as subsidiary similes.
After analyzing the simile combinations , phrases and sentences about love in Abhar-Al Asheghin, it was concluded that many of these similes are connected in the whole workand therefore, the domain simile structure is a good ground for analysis of similes. Forty four domain similes about love were derived from it and went through analysis. Moreover, the factors involved in creating and innovating domain similes were classified into two categories: 1) analogies and adjuncts 2) parts and elements of the object of simile 3) the obtained results of the object of simile, 4) the features and attributes of the object of simile.


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