Document Type : Research Paper



The "conterminous opposition" (the companion of two opposite pillars) is a term connects with rhetoric of syntax. This term is a kind of hidden structural art of Masnavi and several structures and different models of this art are going to be analyzed and explained on the basis of construction theory and rhetoric of syntax in present essay. Conterminous opposition in a sentence with similar grammatical identity (focus oppositions; the possessive conterminous oppositions and adjectival conterminous oppositions), conterminous opposition in a sentence with dissimilar grammatical identity, and conterminous opposition in two sentences including conjunctive and non-conjunctive oppositions are some of the oppositional models. Association of these models with other aesthetic elements such as different types of rhetorical techniques and the music of speech increases the meaning potential and their rhetorical elegance. This diversity has made Mowlavi's poetry being more dynamic linguistically, rhetorically and syntactically. The high frequency of this structural art has created a stylistic feature in the poetry of Mowlavi and impacts the semantic induction of his speech, especially the fundamental ideas of his mind, in addition to its rhetoric and aesthetic aspects. The conterminous oppositions have been introduced in present essay and the syntactic structure of the lines include this structural art has been analyzed aesthetically.


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