Document Type : Research Paper



Reviewing the feedback of society's image and different relations in society in in the world of imagination is one of the issues is considered when a literary work is studied. Undoubtedly what is going on in the mind of writer is not empty from impressions, judgements and socio-political ideologies of his life period. Ahmad Mahmud, the well-known writer of Iran's southern regions, has been able to make, in his novel The neighbors (Hasāye-hā), the concerns of his generation clear through a realistic view on different stages of growth and development of a teenager in the period of oil industry nationalization and party activities. The author's familiarity with the climate and atmosphere of the days of the story, creation of a strong language and descriptions, creation of lovely and tangible characters, using a linear and attractive narration, showing the people's culture, beliefs and problems in a real and believable manner, and presenting an honest picture of the political events of the period of oil industry nationalization are among the most important features of the work. "Khalid" is, in fact, the symbol of a nation who had been long involved with a foreign colonialism and was not aware of its own rights, but finally gets to a step of recognition that begins to fight ignorance, poverty and oppression in its way to real nationalism.


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