Document Type : Research Paper



Jāmiʻ al-Tamthīlwas written in 11th Century AH. by Muḥammad ʻAlī Hablehrūdī. This book is a collection of proverbs, insights and anecdotes and some sermons associated with them. There are a lot of manuscripts of this book in different libraries all over the world. The authors have found two different forms of writing through their critical corrections. Although both forms are generally similar, they are fundamentally different in content and style of writing. The differences between these two forms of writing and the reasons why one of them is preferred are payed attention, in present essay, and the incentives which made them to exist are studied. The results show what we know as Jāmiʻ al-Tamthīl in Iran is a different manifestation of Hablehrūdī's work and it is likely that someone has changed it and has added to or reduced its content to make Jāmiʻ al-Tamthīl seem as a merely preaching book, or in other word, or to help its preaching, ethical and religious aspects to overcome its literary aspect.


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