Document Type : Research Paper



In the history of Human-culture, story is like one who is absent while he is present, and almost all monotheistic and non-monotheistic religions have used it in their Holy Books to convey their messages and teachings, in a way that the Holy Qur'an, the Islam's eternal miracle, can be considered  as  the "storytelling" of the ages. Storytelling has been exploited in Qur'an, especially the tales of the prophets, to strengthen the religious beliefs, to introduce role models, to make Muslims familiar with Islamic traditions, and to encourage them to look and reflect upon the divine revelations and numerous manifestations of creation due to the diversity of its audiences. Storytelling is one of the most important tools to convey the God's invitation to accept His unity portraying the lives of earlier prophets, the day of resurrection, heaven, and hell. The main theme of The Holy Qur'an, and the stories of the prophets in it, is the confrontation of Wisdom vs. Idiocy (or good and evil). It has been tried, in present paper, to explore this theme or conceptual metaphor in the stories of Holy Quran. So, initially the word "oppression" is lexically studied in Qur'an, and then, various manifestations of this meta-narrative will be explained in it.


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