Document Type : Research Paper
This article is to describe and analyze the situation of children and adolescents’poetry in Iran during three decades after the Islamic revolution. Poetry movements, their peculiarities, the social situations, the more prominent poets and the leading poets are all the questionable central matters of a field with theoretical, historical descriptive and analytic framework. This is the first article pays attention to these movements, works, and the poets of three previous decades. A discussion about some of the eminent features of 1980s (Revolution and Sacred Defense, writing growth, empiricism, the village homesickness, the absence of criticism, and the prevalence of children’s poetry in comparison with adolescents’), the 1990s (the introduction of themes such as peace and homeland, the prevalence of lyrics, reduction in empiricism and increase in criticism and theory, divergence among the poets), and the 2000s (refusal of traditions, individualism, being impressed by translations, new definition of children’s poetry and its audiences, prevalence of satire, paying attention to the objects instead of concepts) show that the poetry of children and adolescents has experienced three various, rather distinct, movements in this period. This literary genre has been impressed by social impacts in a rugged path, and in overall it is indicated that it has a progressive trend.