Document Type : Research Paper



Rhythm is a criterion for harmonic music, just in a way that prosody is for poetry. Like prosody, rhythm has meters that were called periods or rhythmic periods. Rhythmic periods consist of noqrehs (silver) or stresses that are equal to words in poem. Present article is to study the science of Rhythm and Prosody, considering the similarities and dissimilarities in their divisions such as their history, their innovators, and sometimes the reasons of appellation of their different parts. Due to rhythm, which is available in prosody, there will be some recommendations along with concordance of different parts. We have described prosody and rhythm according to Iranian old music books and traditional prosody. The rate of concordance possibility of prosody and rhythm and their obtained capacities are the findings that result in better understanding of inner meter and music of poetry and help to the better application of words in music. Prosody and rhythm can be considered from a single origin which appeared in two fields of music and poetry, as many know their founder Khalil Ibn Ahmad Farāhidi. 


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