Document Type : Research Paper



Many students are being faced to some problems in instructive skills such as Reading and Comprehension especially when they study literary texts, [1]both in school and university. To solve this problem, such skills should [2]be taught with a method that the learner(s) has an active relation to the text and its components. He (She) should be able to make a connection between the text and his (her) previous knowledge, learn some points out of it and eventually comprehend it. Active reading strategies such as repetition and practice, displaying the reading process, mass-reading, simultaneous use of reading’s four skills, discussing the characters and comprehension of literary texts for the children of 8 to 12 years old (primary) are the element will be analyzed in present essay through three phases of pre-reading, reading and post-reading. Besides the features of a literary text (its relation to the standard language, to the grammar and to the literary arrays) suitable for a special age-group are listed and it has been reasonably tried to answer these questions: “Is it really necessary to re-write the literary texts to this age-group or not? ; and if it is necessary, How should it be done?”




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