Document Type : Research Paper



Story-ending is one of the elements which have led to a new approach to the literary criticism. Mowlānā’s art of storytelling is really a unique one. The narrative techniques have made the structure and the contents of Mathnavi intertwined. Story-ending is one of the aesthetic features that play an impressive role in the stories this masterpiece.  Mowlānā’s story-ending technique has been analyzed, in present study, through all six volumes of his Mathnavi, with a further reflection on the more prominent. His unique endings can be explained according to the association of ideas, the plot of his stories, his attention to his addressed reader the dialogues- what has no similar in other works – and his polyphonic narration. Each story ends in such a way that persuades the reader to pursuit next story, to stimulate the action and motivation of the reader as the main purpose of the story. The method Mowlānā chooses to end his stories has a profound link to the literary intends of the text and its structural contents.


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